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ERA Newlin & Company - Homepage


Yvonne Acosta
(325) 650-0984 [cell]
STAFF- Amy Dougan
(325) 374-3608 [cell]
STAFF Andrew Killingsworth
(325) 212-7343 [cell]
STAFF - Audrey Wilde
Ashlie Balderas
(325) 301-2256 [cell]
Jacob Balderas
(325) 212-4236 [cell]
Rusty Bartholomeo
(325) 315-4513 [cell]
Brice Bell
(325) 340-3766 [cell]
STAFF - Beth Fletcher
STAFF- Betsy Ryan
(325) 944-1169 [cell]
Shawn Box
(325) 374-2590 [cell]
Tifanie Brannon
(970) 201-2398 [cell]
STAFF- Candys Wiginton
(325) 763-9917 [cell]
Cyndi Carlton
(325) 227-2217 [cell]
STAFF- Celeste Hamilton
(325) 347-4327 [cell]
Ed Cheatle
(325) 949-9184 [cell]
Kyle Cheatle
(325) 650-0183 [cell]
STAFF - Christa Ruble
(325) 227-2244 [cell]
Justin Churchwell
(325) 456-5178 [cell]
Carla Cole
(325) 277-7811 [cell]
Ryan Newlin/ Connie Biggerstaff Group
(325) 374-5599 [cell]
Joseph Coronado
(325) 212-3200 [cell]
Winona Corp
(325) 277-5121 [cell]
Teri Covert
(325) 374-3746 [cell]
Amy Cowden
(325) 812-4745 [cell]
Tye Cowden
(325) 650-5946 [cell]
Laurie Deckers
(325) 650-1990 [cell]
Tara Dodds
(325) 939-1058 [cell]
Janice Douglas
(325) 650-0696 [cell]
Taylor Douglas
(325) 650-1761 [cell]
Lidia Elzein
(325) 450-0562 [cell]
Mercyla Fly
(325) 212-9301 [cell]
(325) 224-0766 [home]
Lyndon Galindo
(325) 656-0530 [cell]
Carol Gober
(325) 245-7155 [cell]
Connie Goree
(325) 374-5599 [cell]
Catherine Gossett
(325) 315-6453 [cell]
Stephen Gossett
(325) 716-8189 [cell]
Suzanne Gould
(325) 212-8615 [cell]
Lakeshore Sales Group
(325) 340-2962 [cell]
Lauren Guins
(325) 262-2428 [cell]
Jeffrey Hameister
(325) 374-1737 [cell]
Celeste Hamilton
(325) 347-4327 [cell]
Rachel Haralson
(325) 245-5134 [cell]
(325) 655-4187 [home]
Kassie Harper
(325) 656-5056 [cell]
Lindsey Heilman
(830) 928-2772 [cell]
Susan Higgins
(325) 277-2995 [cell]
Robin Howell Tidwell
(325) 450-3660 [cell]
Brittany Ionita
(325) 340-2962 [cell]
Coye Irons
(325) 249-2295 [cell]
STAFF- Jamie Newlin
(512) 297-7977 [cell]
STAFF- Judy Hyde
(325) 212-2445 [cell]
STAFF Kathy Newman
Kimberly Kelley
(325) 262-5626 [cell]
Leah Kuhlmann Drennan
(325) 716-3844 [cell]
STAFF- Lacy Allison
The LaFreta White Group
(325) 656-6896 [cell]
David Lankford
(325) 650-3770 [cell]
Leslie Lasater
(325) 656-5409 [cell]
Kim Leabo
(325) 212-4118 [cell]
Jarvis Letcher
(325) 374-7895 [cell]
STAFF- Linda Dorris
Carolyn Gossett / Lyndon Galindo
(325) 276-0822 [cell]
Irene Martinez
(325) 450-3655 [cell]
Ruben Martinez
(325) 234-1659 [cell]
Tammy Matschek
(325) 895-5206 [cell]
Jenny McAda
(325) 518-9913 [cell]
Mitch McAda
(325) 656-2881 [cell]
Team McAda
(325) 656-2881 [cell]
Julie McWilliams
(325) 340-0220 [cell]
STAFF- Miles Duncan
(325) 939-3815 [cell]
Roxann Miller
(325) 340-7525 [cell]
Susan Neighbors
(325) 716-8047 [cell]
Ryan Newlin
(325) 277-2828 [cell]
Kathy Newman
(325) 650-3235 [cell]
Grant Odom
(325) 716-0222 [cell]
Linda Parker
(512) 468-4465 [cell]
Janice Petty
(325) 277-4274 [cell]
Kathleen Pfluger
(325) 656-1803 [cell]
STAFF - Rachel Spavins
Vicky Ragsdale
(325) 939-1059 [cell]
The Ragsdale Team
(325) 939-1059 [cell]
Brittany Reber
(325) 450-0344 [cell]
Marie Renfro
(325) 374-8836 [cell]
Zachery Ringo
(325) 227-3505 [cell]
Raymond Rubio
(325) 456-4974 [cell]
Carrye Baker/ Ryan Newlin
(325) 340-3489 [cell]
Landry Scott
(325) 253-6067 [cell]
Joyce Shelton
(325) 650-2350 [cell]
Jeremy Smith
(432) 270-6562 [cell]
Leslie Smith
(325) 234-2993 [cell]
Tomasine Spieker
(325) 656-0278 [cell]
Thomas Stubbs
(325) 277-6038 [cell]
STAFF - Tamara Letcher
(325) 374-7902 [cell]
Samantha Tarr
(325) 340-7252 [cell]
Buy, Sell, Invest Real Estate Team
(325) 340-7252 [cell]
Shawn Box Team
(325) 949-0804 [cell]
The Balderas Team
(325) 212-4236 [cell]
The Dream Team
(325) 340-2962 [cell]
Winona Corp/ Tifanie Brannon
Victor Vasquez
(325) 939-1098 [cell]
Zachary Velez
(325) 234-0975 [cell]
STAFF - Verba Pape
(325) 227-2819 [cell]
LaFreta White
(325) 656-6896 [cell]
Steve Wool
(325) 656-5218 [cell]
Steve Wool Team
(325) 656-5218 [cell]
Kimberly Wright
(325) 617-8525 [cell]
The Wright Team
Jimmy Yarbrough
(325) 212-5109 [cell]
Patti Yarbrough
(325) 212-7333 [cell]
STAFF PA- Yvonne Acosta
(325) 650-0984 [cell]
Yvette Zuniga
(325) 234-4069 [cell]